AdSense is a great way to make money with your websites. It’s very easy to implement and with enough practice (or the right tips) and enough good traffic you can do pretty well. With the right placement and keywords, even minimal traffic can do well.
The absolute number one key to making money with AdSense is DRIVING TRAFFIC to your website. This is where the big AdSense money comes in. BUT, you have to build a GREAT site first.
Of course there’s a few guidelines to follow before even beginning to build your web site, first being Googles AdSense Policies - this is a must.
Make sure that your adblocks blend with your site.
Very Important. The internet is full of junk and advertising. When surfers are looking for information they instinctively look away, skipping over advertisements to find what they came for. It’s actually been termed “Banner Blindness”. Flashing, blinking, blinding websites are a thing of the past as marketers learn that virtual shouting doesnt work, as people are covering their ears (or eyes in this case). Basically, your visitors will skip right over the ads if done incorrectly.
Adblocks that work the best for me are 336×280, or one of the square blocks inserted near a few other links and close to your main text.
Here’s the page layout that continually works best for me:
I put my navigation down the left side, put my h1 header above the adblock and a general image to the right of the adblock, and put this smack dab under the header of my site, in plain view.
Fonts on your site should be similar in size and color.
Important in helping adblocks blend with your site. I make css styles that match the ads to use for all other content and links on my site. They will never always perfectly match, as google expiriments by serving 2 or 3 ads in a 4 block, the text of the ads get bigger. So its not perfect, but it does well. Since we have no control over what google does, we make due.
Match the border color and background color
Matching adsense to the background color on your web page is extremely important. I try to’hide’ the border by matching colors.
You may also want to experiment with text ads and image ads. You can choose on or the other, or both.
Match also the title, text and url colors to the ones you are using on your page.
If your logo and headlines are green, make your title the same green. If your text is gray, match this gray, and if your links are blue, match the same blue.
No Way!!! I changed my ads to adhere to this tip. I made all of my ad titles blue because everyone says to use blue. My initial reaction was, EEW! but I left it for a few days to see if they were right. When I tried this, my clickthroughs plummeted!!!!
Here’s the color scheme I use on ALL of my adblocks, and my clickthroughs went right back to where they were before, EVEN THOUGH my navigation links are blue.
Border: White (ffffff) (as most of my pages have a white background
Title: Gray (7f7f7f)
Background: White (ffffff)
Text: Black (000000)
URL: Blue (003399)
I save this in a custom palette called ‘plain’ and its easily accessible every time I need to insert my code. I use channels and php includes to test quickly.
Keep your adblocks “Above the Fold”.
By above the fold, I mean visible on your website without having to scroll down. Your ads should be in a place where people will look. When I started out I was just playing with one of my sites, I had adsense at the bottom of my page. When I moved it to the top, I started to see some action. This definitely works.
Tower ads outdated?
We tend to scan a page top to bottom, from left to right, unless something interesting catches our eye. It would make common sense that the tower placement off to the right side of your text would work well. As a viewer reaches the end of a line, it’s a good place for their eye to rest. If an ad is close by, it’s more likely to catch a viewers eye.
A lot of other people have had luck with this layout. I never have. I think people are getting used to this type of ad placement and are trained to completely ignore it. You may have a site it works well on. Try it and see if it works for you. Leave a comment if you think that Im completely wrong.
Google allows you up to 3 adblocks, and 1 linkblock on a page. I believe its better to keep it simple and just use 1 adblock above the fold.
I’ve completely abandoned linkblocks (horizontal and vertical) because even though they get clicked, in my experience they barely pay. I also think they’re kinda sneaky, even for google. They LOOK like navigation. A visitor who doesnt know about adsense, thinks theyre going to another page of your site and end up off of your site with pages of other options. I dont see the sense in that. Keep them on your site, clicking YOUR ads.
If you want to make sites with an adsense income potential, you’ll need more than one. Preferably MANY more. As many as you can think of.
If this is your goal, find a web host that offers alot of space and unlimited add on domains. If you build 100 sites each with different domain names, you don't want to host with 100 different web hosts. That could get quite expensive.
Heres the web host I use that offers unlimited add on domains. You can purchase a cheap domain names and direct them to your published sites. It’s a MUST HAVE when creating many sites.Related: Technorati: google adsense Delicious: google adsense